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CSL, which was developed for control purposes because suppliers can send faulty products to their customers and have already sent them, stands for "Controlled Shipping Level".

CSL (Controlled Shipping Level) means Controlled Shipping Level in Turkish. CSL, which is extremely important for the security of communication between the supplier and the customer, also increases customers' trust in the suppliers.

CSL (Controlled Shipment Level) is grouped under 2 headings: CSL1 and CSL2.

CSL1 – Controlled Delivery by Supplier

It is a type of control created in line with the request of the supplier. The supplier inspects its products before sending them to its customers and obtains assurances regarding its safety. CSL1 is also known as the type of delivery performed in the first stage. Because, first of all, it goes through the control of the supplier.


CSL1 checks performed before the product is shipped to the customer ensure that the customer receives the product safely. Any problems that may occur or be seen during these checks can be resolved before the product is delivered to the customer. For this reason, the customer receives the product in a controlled and healthier way. There is no obligation or time period to carry out the checks. CSL1, created at the request of the supplier, is completed without any problems since it is created at the initiative of the customer. If an error is found during the checks, intervention is made.

CSL1 ve CSL2
CSL2 – Customer Mandated Control

CSL2 checks are customer-mandated error notifications. It is also known as re-checking the identified error notifications after the supplier ships the product to the customer.


CSL2 controls, which are started compulsorily upon customer request, cannot be turned off as they are not at the customer's discretion, as in CSL1. The supplier controls error notifications until the customer turns them off upon their own request.

Benefits of CSL 1 and CSL 2

CSL1 aims to ensure that the product in question is checked by the supplier and sent to the customer. In this way, the supplier can ship its products to the customer in a controlled manner at once.

CSL2 ensures that the product in question is tracked after it is sent to the customer and prevents any problems that may occur. Thanks to CSL2, customers can have the incoming products checked again if there is an error. If the error continues during the checks of the products, the notification remains open and the product continues to be checked until the customer learns that the error is over.


Controlled Shipping Level was developed as a result of products being sent incorrectly and errors being noticed after they were sent. Since there is prevention and compensation for an error, CSL1 and CSL2 are very important for both the supplier and the customer and build trust.

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