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As Waste Group;

It is a business operating with a leadership mission in the sector and strong ethical values. We serve our customers in various areas of the business world by offering a wide range of services such as human resources, laboratory services, engineering solutions, occupational safety materials supply and stationery.

Our vision:

As Waste Group, we aim to be a leader that encourages continuous development and excellence by offering solutions that suit the needs of businesses. We work determinedly to add value to our customers' success and create a sustainable impact in the business world.

Our Mission:

With a human-oriented approach, the main mission of Waste Group is to maximize customer satisfaction, optimize business processes with innovative solutions and establish long-term trust-based relationships with our business partners. By adopting the principles of quality, reliability and professionalism at every step, we strive to adapt to the dynamics of the business world and strengthen our leadership position.

Why Waste Group?

  • Professional and expert staff

  • Customer-oriented service approach

  • Reliable and quality solutions

  • Innovation and continuous improvement

  • Commitment to ethical values

As Waste Group, we are proud to be with you at every stage of your business. We are here to strengthen your business processes and move you into the future with our solutions tailored to your needs.

Waste Grup
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